Documentation for "rtpread2"


RTPREAD2 read HDF4 RTP data as a structure of arrays


function [head, hattr, prof, pattr] = rtpread(hfile)


RTPREAD2    read  HDF4 RTP data as a structure of arrays


   rtpread -- read a set of RTP profiles


   [head, hattr, prof, pattr] = rtpread(hfile)

   hfile  - filename for the HDF RTP file


   head   - structure for the header data 
   hattr  - header general and field attributes
   prof   - structure array of profile data
   pattr  - profile general and field attributes


   Profiles are returned as an array of structures.  Fields
   of the profiles are returned as fsize-by-one column vectors, 
   where fsize is the field size.  An exception is the pseudo-
   field gamnt, which is an nlevs-by-ngas array.  The fields of 
   the header are also fsize-by-one arrays, where fsize is the 
   header field size.


   hattr and pattr are cell lists of attribute specifications.
   Each attribute specification is a cell list of three strings of
   the form
                      {fname, aname, aval}
   where fname is either a field name or for general attributes,
   or "header" or "profiles" for general attributes.  Here is an
   example of setting profile attributes:
   pattr = ...
     { {'profiles', 'comment',  '1761 TIGR Profiles'}, ...
       {'plevs',    'comment',  'standard AIRS pressure levels'}, ...
       {'plevs',    'units',    'millibars'}, ...
       {'gas_1',    'comment',  'water'} }, ...
       {'gas_1',    'units',    'PPMV'} }

   Fields can have more than one attribute, and do not have 
   to have any.  Header attributes can be set in a similar way.
   If no  attributes are to be set, the attribute array should 
   be set to the empty array.

   rtpread2 is relatively slow, due to performance limitations 
   of arrays of structures in Matlab, and also due to building 
   the "gamnt" pseudo-field.  rtpread is faster; but it returns
   a single structure whose fields are fsize-by-nrec arrays, and
   does not build the gamnt array.

   As a convention, general attributes for the file as a whole
   should be set in hattr, as "header" attributes.

 H. Motteler, 12 Jun 01


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